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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • I declare that the submitted article is no plagiarism, i.e. it is a work which in no way constitutes an infringement on any existing licence or copyright within the meaning of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (i.e. Journal of Laws 2006, No. 90, item 631) applicable to the whole or part of the work. It does not infringe on personal rights protected by the provisions of the applicable law and does not contain data and information which could have been obtained in an unauthorised manner.

Author Guidelines

Authors are responsible for the quality of the submitted articles, the language layer and the complete and correct indication of the sources.

The editorial office of "CzST" reserves the right to reject the submitted articles, introduce and recommend changes and reject articles in which the recommended corrections have not been introduced.

 The article sent to the e-mail address of the editorial office of "Częstochowa Studia Theologiczne" ( should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces (including the attached bibliography). Longer texts will be consulted with the Authors.

  1. The text of the article should be saved in MS Word format (.doc or .docx).
  2. At the end of the article, please include:

- title and Abstract in English (up to 800 characters with spaces) and keywords (2 to 5 words).

- bibliography arranged in alphabetical order.

  1. The submitted article should be accompanied by:

- a note about the author: name and surname, academic title, research center with which the author is associated, scientific biography, as well as additional information: correspondence address, telephone number, e-mail.

- ORCID number (it can be obtained by completing the on-line questionnaire: If you forget this number, you can find it at:

  1. The authors will be informed about the next stages of publication by e-mail. The authors will be informed about the acceptance of the text for review within 50 days. The text will be published within 24 months of being accepted for publication.
  2. Pursuant to the Act on Copyright and Related Rights of February 4, 1994, the author of the publication transfers the proprietary copyrights relating to the submitted work to the publisher of the periodical "Częstochowskie Studia Teologiczne".
  3. By submitting an article to "Częstochowa Theological Studies", you consent to the publication of the entire text or abstract also in electronic form on the journal's website and on electronic platforms disseminating scientific achievements.
  4. Editorial standards for the text: Font 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.
  5. Quotations in the body of the text and in footnotes should be quoted in quotation marks " ", in plain (we never use a double marker), at the end of the quote in the order: quotation marks, footnote number, period (or comma), e.g. : ” 23.
  6. Quotations inside quotes are marked with double quotation marks: « ».
  7. When omitting a fragment of a quotation inside a sentence, we use a parenthesis and an ellipsis: (...). We do not use them by omitting the fragment of the quote at the beginning or end of the quoted sentence.
  8. We mark in italics in the main text: titles of books, magazines, articles, documents of the Church, foreign language and own expressions.
  9. We write time terms in the main text without abbreviations, for example: March 2, 1878, in the 19th century. We do not use abbreviations: r. (year) and w. (Age).
  10. The biblical sigils in the main text, not in footnotes.
  11. Highlights - by exploding the text; please do not use bolds and underlines.
  12. Separate quotes, the so-called blocks (from 5 lines): font 11 points, line spacing 1, indents on the left side.
  13. The abbreviations used should agree with: Encyklopedia Katolicka. Wykaz skrótów, Lublin 2010.


Principles of redaction of footnotes


Editorial standards for footnotes: Font 10 Times New Roman, 1.0 line spacing.

We use Polish (not Latin) abbreviations in footnotes.

 A footnote from the document of the Church's magisterium

- John Paul II, Encyclical Redemptor hominis (March 4, 1979), n. 34.

A footnote from the monograph

- J. Królikowski, Jezus Chrystus – droga nadziei, Tarnów 2020, s. 20-32.

A footnote from a chapter from a collective work

- A. Wojtczak, Mariologia w służbie duszpasterstwa, [w:] Matka i Mistrzyni. Obecność Maryi w formacji intelektualnej i duchowej, red. J. Kumala, Licheń 2010, s. 137-139.

A footnote from an article in a journal

  - W. Przyczyna-R. Wróbel, Maryja wzorem słuchania słowa Bożego, „Salvatoris Mater” 5 (2003) nr 2, s. 90-103.

 A footnote from a work translated into Polish

– J. Ratzinger, Nowa pieśń dla Pana. Wiara w Chrystusa a liturgia dzisiaj, tłum. J. Zuchowicz, Kraków 2005, s. 11-14.

 Citing another text by the same author as above

- Tenże, Wprowadzenie w chrześcijaństwo, tłum. Z. Włodkowa, Kraków 2018, s. 34-35.

Citing the same item as above

- Tamże, s. 98.

A footnote from a work that has already been included in the footnotes, but not directly above

- J. Ratzinger, Nowa pieśń dla Pana, s. 11.

Website reference [22.12.2020]

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