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No. 17 (2018)

Prawo kanoniczne

Godparents in the Latin Church from the Council of Trent to the Code of Canon Law of 1917

Published: 2018-12-29


The article allows the reader to follow the evolution of legal regulations regarding godparents in the era from the Council of Trent to the promulgation of the Code of Canon Law of 1917.
With the crisis that struck the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century and the Reformation, erroneous doctrines concerning the institutions of godparents appeared, but there were also serious abuses in the practical sphere. The Council of Trent laid out the correct teaching concerning the principles of faith and introduced reforms in the disciplinary sphere, giving impetus to the renewal of the Church life.
After the Council of Trent, the need arose to develop new, more detailed and better adapted to living conditions, laws referring to the institution of godparents, which would complement the dispositions of Tridentinum. These standards were included in the Roman Catechism of Pius V, Ritual of Paul V, and instructions issued in the eighteenth century by Holy Congregation of the Holy Office.
The legislative activity of the Holy See, the changes taking place in the developing ecclesial community, and the need to adapt the regulations to the requirements of the time contributed to the work that resulted in the promulgation of the Code of Canon Law of 1917. According to the canon of this collection, the person becoming a godparent became a spiritual parent for their godchild, to whom they had a very serious duty to provide and secure a Catholic education.


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