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Vol. 18 (2019)

Teologia praktyczna

Our Daily Sleep vs. Unusual Dreaming. Does God Reveal Himself in Dreams?

Published: 2019-12-31


The article presents an analysis of the phenomena of sleeping and dreaming, from the theological, biblical and historical perspectives, as well as in the light of the latest scientific research. The description of the complex processes occurring during sleep and the not yet fully scientifically explained meaning of dreams is a background to reflect on the contemporary interest in dreams and their interpretation. Dreams have always fascinated mankind. We find this topic in ancient literature, in the Bible, while science nowadays gives dreams new meanings and points to new ways of understanding them. In the contemporary, both  Catholic and Protestant, charismatic trend one can observe a renewed interest in dreams and their spiritual significance. There are more and more publications about dreams, their understanding and interpretation. Ultimately, the article aims to show how, from a theological point of view, dreams can be a space for encounter with God and space for His prophetic manifestation to people.


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