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No. 16 (2017)

Teologia praktyczna

Bl. Bernardyna Maria Jabłońska's Experience of Suffering

Published: 2017-12-20


The aim of the paper entitled: Bl. Bernardyna Maria Jabłońska’s Experience of Suffering was to show her approach to this mystery. It also signals the influence of St. Brother Albert, who helped his spiritual daughter to experience all sorts of difficulties well. The analysis of the writings of the Blessed as well as the accounts
of the witnesses of her life lead to the following conclusions: Sister Elder committed all the painful experiences to the Lord, trusting that in his Providence he bestowed on her the best; moreover, she wished through her suffering to be a constant sacrifice for the Divine Bridegroom, and by the Act of Love she consistently carried out this resolution in her life; She treated the suffering that touched her as an expiation for the sins of herself as well as others.


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