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Vol. 31 No 3 (2022)


Maryja przeciw złu w przekazie św. Ludwika Marii Grignion de Montfort

  • Szymon Wandzel
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2022-10-11


The author tries to answer the question whether, according to St Louis Grignion de Montfort, Mary has power over demons and evil and can protect people from it. Saint Louis presents Mary as the Brave Helmswoman who resists evil and defends the Christian people. Through her living faith, her bond with the Church and the maternal mission of her Alma Mater, she also takes an active part in the work of amusement and supports those who take up arms against evil. The author notes that Mary’s role in fighting evil and helping humanity is active. Mary is constantly ready to help her children. Many Saints over the years confirm this truth, and a particular emphasis on the timeline is the figure of Saint Louis, in whose texts we can read his position confirming this thesis.


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