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V. 30 N. 1 (2021)


Dominikanie w sieci. Fenomen kaznodziejstwa internetowego

Pubblicato: 2021-06-07


The main purpose of the article was to investigate the Internet activities of the Dominican Order and to determine what contributes to their media success. The content analysis method and the Internet survey method were used in the undertaken research. The publication presents the history of the religious congregation, paying attention to the charism. The first part of the work presents the definitions and issues related to preaching and new evangelization as well as the possibility of using the Web in relation to preaching. The second part of the article contains an analysis of the activities of Dominicans on the Internet based on the YouTube channel of Father Adam Szustak „Langusta na palmie” and the videoportal, which is enriched with the results of the survey. The third part of the work consists of conclusions and verification of the research hypotheses put forward by the author.

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