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Vol. 100 (2003): Our Past


The post-Tridentine reform in Strzelno

  • Małgorzata Borkowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2003-12-30


Very little is known about the Premonstratensian convent of Strzelno, but even the scarce data permit us to conclude that its monastic community emerged from the 16th-century crisis in a relatively good shape, neither its numerical strength nor the level of discipline gave reason for serious concern. What did go missing was the spirit of individual poverty. There was just one more point that needed setting right: the practice of enclosure was not up to the severe post-Tridentine standard. About 1585 a reform-minded bishop managed to overcome the obstacles put in his way by the convent's superiors and carry out a proper visitation. He found that the nuns were eager to embrace a reform that would correct abuses and bring in elements of a new spirituality (e.g. meditation).


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