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Vol. 21 (1965): Our Past

source editing

The writings of Adam Chmielowski (Brother Albert)

  • Alfons Schletz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1965-06-30


Volume 21 of Our Past published the writings of Adam Chmielowski (Brother Albert). The sources for the publication were prepared with an introduction, a biographical outline of Brother Albert and footnotes by Rev. Dr. Alfons Schletz.

The collection contains the following articles
I. Letters to secular persons and institutions (to the French-Polish Committee, to Lucjan Siemieński, to Ludwika Siemieńska, née Potocka, to Józef Brandt, to Józef Chełmoński, to Helena Modrzejewska, to Józefa Krzyżanowska, to his family, to the management of Tow. Friends of Fine Arts, to Seweryn Bóhm, to Maria Chmielowska, née Kłopotowska, to Konstancja Sanguszkowa, née Zamoyska, to Father Infulat Stanisław Walczyński, to Aniela Twardowska, to Maria Zamoyska).
II. Letters to the Albertine Brothers
III. Letters to the Albertine Sisters (91 to Sister Bernardyna (Maria Jablonska), 12 to other Sisters)
IV. Official Letters
V. Writings printed in periodicals, the daily press, manuscripts relating to the beginnings of the Congregations, the draft of the Constitutions, the translation of the Spiritual Caution, retreat notes and exhortations.


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