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Vol. 71 (1989): Our Past


Hagiographic books printed in Poland until the mid-16th century

  • Janusz Dyl
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1989-06-30


Polish hagiography at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries is one of the topics in the history of theology that is still waiting for a comprehensive study. The existing outlines of Polish hagiography, both medieval and modern, do not go beyond elementary information about individual written monuments. The oldest biographies of saints were not of Polish authorship. The appearance of hagiographic works of Polish origin had to wait until the 13th century. The article focuses on the first hagiographic books printed in Poland in the years 1475-1550. In Poland, it was a time of coexistence of scholastic and Renaissance trends. That is why we encounter both types of hagiographic works in the production of Polish printing houses. Of the approximately 600 theological books published in Poland at that time, only 30 were hagiographic works. The aversion of Polish humanists from "Erasmus circles" to medieval scholasticism and the progress of the Reformation probably contributed to this. The development of the latter required polemical books, which pastors needed more than hagiographic publications. Of the 30 hagiographic brochures printed in Poland, most were devoted to Saint. Stanisław of Szczepanów, the main patron saint of Poland. Five works were created in the spirit of the Renaissance, in classical Latin and in poetic form. However, they depended on the main work, Vita beatissimi Stanislai Cracoviensis episcopi, written by Jan Długosz in the years 1460-1465.


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