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Vol. 73 (1990): Our Past

source editing

The Pińczów census of converts from the 17th to 19th centuries

  • Waldemar Kowalski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1990-06-30


Among the issues important for a thorough understanding of religious relations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the lack of systematic research on conversions to Catholicism is still present. Such lists were kept by individual houses of Franciscan orders and others. This documentation does not fully reveal the causes and mechanisms of conversions. However, it provides orientation in the scope of influence of monasteries, the geographical and social origin of "heretics", and shows the number of people who joined the Roman Church in particular years. Of these, among others: For these reasons, it seems advisable to publish a list entitled Cathalogus conversorum haereticorum ad fidem Romanam et in nostra eccclesia Pinczoviensi ad BMV absolutorum. It was prepared by the local Reformed Franciscans and includes absolutions from heresy and baptisms granted in the years 1684—1806, 1841, 1843. This list is currently kept in the Diocesan Archives in Kielce, in a set of parish records. The source published here confirms the re-catholicization activity of the Pińczów Franciscans, which has been closely monitored since their repeated and permanent settlement in this city.


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