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Vol. 73 (1990): Our Past


The ecclesiastical history of the Polish community in Connecticut (1870-1986). Selected Issues

  • Bolesław Kumor
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1990-06-30


Field research so far confirms the thesis that the first Poles arrived in Connecticut before 1770 and settled in Hartford and New London. Massive immigration of Poles to this state began in 1870. In 1891, Polish immigrants organized the first parish dedicated to St. Stanisław Bishop and Martyr in Meriden. By 1905, ten Polish parishes were organized in Connecticut, a state belonging to the Hartford diocese, with a total of 14,950 believers. After 1900, Polish immigration increased so much that every year the number of Poles, including births, increased by 1,000. In terms of numbers, Poles took third place, behind the Irish and Italians. The parish of Polish immigrants played a very significant cultural role. In most Polish parishes, parish schools, kindergartens, theaters and even libraries still operate. Religious traditions and services are celebrated, as well as Polish national holidays. "Przewodnik Katolicki", a Polish weekly founded in 1908, was published regularly in Connecticut until 1966. Between 1894 and 1987, 100 Polish priests were ordained in the USA for the diocese of Hartford. By 1940, 25 diocesan priests had arrived from Poland, in addition to 25 priests from the Congregation of the Mission and 20 Franciscans. In 1915, the Association of Polish Priests was organized in Connecticut; he is still active there. Currently, there are 96 diocesan priests working in Connecticut, including 46 from the Congregation of the Mission and 50 Conventual Franciscans. In the years 1896—1955, 18 eight-grade Polish schools were organized in Connecticut, as well as 11 Polish language and catechism schools (1900—1986). Since 1960 - due to the crisis of religious vocation - the majority of Polish teaching staff have been lay people (in 1987: 64 monks and 134 lay people). In Connecticut, 3 Polish high schools and 8 Polish Saturday schools were organized; the largest of them - the Polish Saturday school in New Britain - had 350 students in 1986.


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