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Vol. 84 (1995): Our Past


Jesuit education in Jarosław 1575-1773

  • Roman Pelczar
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1995-12-30


As a result of several years of efforts by the owner of the city, Zofia Tarnowska, the first Jesuits arrived in Jarosław in 1733, and two years later they founded a school for secular youth there. In the second half of the 17th century, the college's rector, Bartłomiej Wąsowski, gave the impetus to establish a military academy at the college, where graduates of Jesuit schools were to be educated. Despite attempts made in this direction, this plan was not implemented. In the above-mentioned College of St. John, nationwide studies were introduced for Jesuit students - future professors, and periodic studies in philosophy and moral and polemical theology were conducted for future Jesuit fathers. The lessons were conducted by outstanding professors - members of the Jesuit order. The Jesuits from this university also founded a music school, which educated mainly boys from poor families. There was a school theater on the campus, which was very popular among the local population. The authors of the plays were most often local professors. In the years 1635-1639, the Jarosław Jesuits established their second headquarters at a church near the city, where they also conducted educational activities (studies of moral theology and a music school).


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