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Vol. 88 (1997): Our Past


Still on teachers and students in the mediaeval province of Polish Dominicans and their schools in Krakow and Lviv

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1997-12-30


The article attempts to supplement the previously known lists of lecturers and scholars operating in the Polish Dominican province in the 15th century. The source research and the latest literature allowed us to significantly expand the circle of people who formed the intellectual elite of the Polish Dominican province in the late Middle Ages. The additions concern as many as one third of the teachers and students known to us so far. The data presented in the article also allowed us to learn about the teaching staff of the Krakow Studium Generale Dominicans in the 15th century and the opinion on the exceptional privileges granted by Provincial Jakub Bydgoski. By supplementing the lists of Polish Dominican lecturers, students and schools known to us so far, the educational activities of the Dominicans from the Corpus Christi monastery in Lviv could be verified and shown in a new light.


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