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Vol. 89 (1998): Our Past


For the good of the convent and the laity. Schools in the Norbertine Abbey of St. Vincent in Wrocław in the Middle Ages

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1998-06-30


The article attempts to verify the opinions expressed in the literature on the educational activities of the Premonstratensians from the monastery of St. Wincentego in Wrocław. The analysis of the sources allowed us to reject the idea that the Premonstratensians settled at the beginning of the 13th century. dealing with public education. An open ("outdoor") school was built at the Wrocław monastery only in the second half of the 15th century. However, from the beginning, an internal study of the training of new staff of the order was conducted. Originally, it remained part of the novitiate and was operated by the monastery's cantor and his assistants. In the 15th century, the rector took over the management of the school. Lessons in both schools were held at the basic level (Trivium). Nothing is known about higher theological studies among the Wrocław Premonstratensians.


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