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Vol. 90 (1998): Our Past


Report from the Europäisches Zisterzienserforum conference "Norm, Kultur, Reform", Frankfurt (Oder) June 17-21, 1998

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1998-12-30


The scientific conference "Europäisches Zisterzienserforum: Norms, Cultures, Reforms", which took place on June 17-21, 1998 in Frankfurt (Oder), was intended to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the founding of the monastery in Cîteaux, which gave rise to the Cistercian order. During the conference, various aspects of the history and activities of the Cistercians were discussed, focusing on the motives behind the foundation of monasteries, their impact on the cultural landscape and the reforms carried out within the order. The papers were presented against the background of various regions of Europe, and women's and men's monasteries were analyzed. Sessions were held in various locations, including former Cistercian monasteries in Chorin and Neuzelle. The conference was honored by a rich cultural program, including visits to monuments and a concert commemorating the 900th anniversary of the order.


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