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Vol. 91 (1999): Our Past


A voice in the discussion on the beginnings of the General Study of the Dominicans in Krakow

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1999-06-30


The article attempts to summarize the opinions found in the literature about the time and circumstances of the establishment of the Dominican General College in Krakow. The review of the most important works on the foundation of the General Study of the Dominicans in Krakow, published by Father P. Kielar, carried out in this study, shows that the thesis about the creation of the Study at the end of the 14th century, existing in the literature and originating from this author, is very controversial, and its the arrangements are simply unacceptable in some places. In this situation, there is probably no other option for now but to return to the concepts better documented in sources, placing the establishment of the General Study of the Dominicans in Krakow in the 15th century. Determinations as to when the General Study of the Polish Dominicans in Krakow were founded remain unresolved.


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