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Nr 3 (2022)

Najnowsze orzecznictwo

Przegląd bieżącego orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego w sprawach karnych (lipiec–grudzień 2021 r.)

  • Patrycja Balcer
  • Janusz Raglewski
  • Dobrosława Szumiło-Kulczycka
Opublikowane: 04.02.2024


The review of case law of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court presents selected interesting judgments issued in the second half of 2021, with the authors’ comments. The cited judgments cover issues such as: discontinuation of proceedings with absorption of penalty, obligation to consider applications, awarding reimbursement of expenses, witness’ liability for making false statements, physical evidence, bank account, adjudicating panels in criminal cases including judges seconded by the Minister for Justice.


  1. Brak [Google Scholar]