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No. 6 (2023)


Subordinated bonds issued by banks - characteristics, importance in economic transactions, prospects and risks

  • Ewa Ciborowska
Published: 2024-02-05


The purpose of this article is to characterize subordinated bonds issued by banks, describe their importance and share on the Catalyst market, as well as to analyse the factors driving the development of the subordinated bond market, especially after the entry into force of the Act of 15 January 2015 on Bonds, taking into account the prospects and risks for bondholders and banks. The analysis of legal provisions and literature shows that, to a large extent, it is regulatory and legal factors that determine the popularity of issues of these securities by banks. In addition, an analysis of the Catalyst market shows that after 2015, despite the increased risks to investors, subordinated bonds became the dominant group of bonds on the bank bond market in Poland.


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