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No. 8 (2023)


Civil proceedings involving consumers in the light of the amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure adopted on 9 March 2023

  • Dariusz Chrapoński
Published: 2024-02-05


Separate proceedings involving consumers are conducted in cases concerning consumer claims against entrepreneurs and entrepreneur claims against consumers.


This procedure is mandatory, without the possibility of its exclusion by the court. The subject-matter scope of these proceedings covers all court disputes that may arise in the context of a civil-law relationship between a consumer and an entrepreneur, both contractual and tortious, provided that the consumer is a party to the proceedings (Art. 45814(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure). The subject of proceedings may be claims that arise not only from substantive law, but also from procedural law. As for separate proceedings, three issues are regulated: the rules for taking evidence, the jurisdiction of the court, and the costs of the trial. To the extent not contrary to Art. 45814-45816 of the Code of Civil Procedure, provisions on other separate proceedings also apply to such proceedings. The most important modification of the general rules concerns the rules for the taking of evidence. The entrepreneur is obliged to provide in the statement of claim or response to the statement of claim all facts and evidence to confirm them, or they are prevented from relying on them at a later time. An exception applies if the entrepreneur proves that providing them was not possible or that the need to provide them arose later (Art. 45814(4) of the Code of Civil Procedure). The consumer, on the other hand, has the right to make statements and adduce evidence until the end of the hearing. However, the asymmetry of procedural obligations may be mitigated by the presiding judge ordering an exchange of pleadings pursuant to Art. 2053(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure. A consumer may file a lawsuit with the court having jurisdiction based on the former’s place of residence (Art. 45814(4) of the Code of Civil Procedure). If the entrepreneur fails to attempt to settle the dispute amicably or evades participation in such dispute settlement, or participates in it in bad faith, the court may impose higher litigation costs on the entrepreneur under the conditions and in the amount specified in Art. 45816 of the Code of Civil Procedure.


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