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Vol. 13 (2021)


Expertise on the current legal situation in the context of the possible commencement of work on the act on the relationship of the Republic of Poland to the Eastern Old Believer Church, without a clerical hierarchy

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-12-31


The expert opinion contains an analysis of the current legal position of the Eastern Old Believer Church, which does not have a spiritual hierarchy, in the context of possible work on a new law on the relationship of the state to this Church. The current legal status regarding the Eastern Old Believer Church is ambiguous and raises fundamental interpretational doubts. As a result, it collides with the systemic principle of citizens’ trust in the state and the law it enacts, as well as with the principle of security of legal transactions. First of all, the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997, should be taken into account. religious freedom in the collective dimension, equality in comparison with other confessions, respect for internal independence and autonomy by the state, and finally bilateralism (bilateral) in defining its relationship with the state.
The Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland of March 22, 1928 on the relationship between the State and the Eastern Old Believer Church, which does not have a clerical hierarchy, is anachronistic. It does not meet constitutional and international law standards in the field of collective religious freedom. Through a number of its provisions of a police nature, it violates the constitutional principle of respect for the autonomy and independence of the Church. The Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland of March 22, 1928 should be interpreted through the prism of the denominational provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997, especially Art. 25 sec. 3, as well as the relevant provisions of the Act of May 17, 1989 on guarantees of freedom of conscience and religion. Thus, many provisions of the Act of 1928 have lost their binding force. Optionally, the position that they expired as a result of desuetudo (the so-called re-withdrawal) is acceptable.
There are fundamental doubts as to the current binding statute of the WKS. It seems that the ordinance of the Council of Ministers of August 29, 1928, on the recognition of the statute of the Eastern Old Believer Church, which did not have a clerical hierarchy, expired as a result of the desuetudo. The statute in force is the act of 1984, which has been used by this Church for years.
In order to reconcile the current legal status of the Church with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, it is necessary to adopt a new, individual act on the relationship of the state to the said denomination. It should implement the constitutional principles of religious relations and contain provisions analogous to those contained in individual denominational laws of 1989–1997. The ordinance of the Council of Ministers of August 29, 1928 should also be repealed immediately.


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