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Vol. 22 (2018)


Mykolas Romeris University students attitudes towards the relevant issues of criminalistics didactics

  • Henryk Malewski
  • Vidmantas Egidijus Kurapka
  • Žaneta Navickienė
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-04-14


The study of criminalistics didactic issues in Lithuania has a long tradition. Since the period of Lithuanian independence, the most relevant issues related to the field of criminalistics have been periodically and comprehensively analyzed, which allow to fundamentally and purposefully formulate and update the platform of criminalistics di- dactics, highlight the essential problems of a specific period and present effective solutions by adapting practical issues of criminalistics didactics in the practical work of law enforcement institutions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the content of four study programs chosen by Mykolas Romeris University and analyze the peculiarities of criminalistics discipline, as well as to evaluate them correlatedly and in connection with the results of the empirical study: the attitudes of students studying in the four analyzed programs towards the individual issues of criminalistics. Based on the results of the research, main relevant issues and developing trends of today's criminalistics didactics are presented. Student opinion surveys reaffirmed our insights on the relevance of balance and harmony of criminalistics theoretical knowledge and practical skills when forming the study process. The practical work related to the need for criminalistics knowledge in it, the opinions of officials working in the field undoubtedly demon- strated the already perceived importance of criminalistics and expert analysis and high- lighted their concern about the quality of their qualification and competencies.


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