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Vol. 23 (2019)


The use of social media by police officers in Poland. An attempt at preliminary description of the phenomenon on the basis of the results of questionnaire surveys

  • Katarzyna Bayer
  • Jan Bitner
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-05


This article describes the use of SOCMINT in Police work, focusing primarily on the relationship between its use and the factors that may influence it. The paper is based on exploratory research conducted among officers of the Warsaw garrison. The analysed factors are: private use of social media, age, work experience, gender and scope of responsibilities of respondents, participation in trainings and type of equipment used. In addition, the scale of SOCMINT use in the police was described, taking into account Polish and foreign literature. Suggestions of actions aimed at popularizing the use of SOCMINT among police officers were presented.


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