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Vol. 23 (2019)


Identifying victims of terror (part 3) – World Trade Center

  • Łukasz Jan Śledziński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-05


The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was the most tragic of the attacks aimed at innocent citizens. Ever since that time, the date of 9/11 constitutes a symbolic beginning of the fight against terrorism. The extreme construction collapse brought on by the impact of two passenger airplanes piloted by terrorists, consumed the lives of 2500 victims. This work describes the methods, system and procedures employed by the anthropologists and forensic geneticists, who for 16 years have been continuously attempting to identify all the remains of the victims discovered in the debris of the WTC. Up till now, 40% of the victims remain nameless. This work also contains the conclusions of the entirety of the project “Identification of terror victims”,
which consists of three parts: “Srebrenica”, “The Romanov Family”, and “The World Trade Center”.


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