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Vol. 29 (2022)


Impediment of ligamen as a legal measure ­safeguarding the property of the indissolubility of marriage

  • Mateusz Sajkowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


The principal subject-matter of this paper is the issue of determining the mutual relation between the property of the indissolubility of marriage and the impediment of ligamen. In order to fulfill the adopted intention of research, attention herein was focused on the scope of those two notions, both being of paramount importance for the Christian vision of marriage. The reason for that fact was that indissolubility is a theological category being an inherent quality of the essence of marriage, and that means natural reality, elevated by Jesus, our Lord, to the dignity of a sacrament. In turn, the ecclesiastic authority, guarding this very concept of marriage for centuries, transposed the rule of indissolubility into the realm of canon law. Impedimentum legaminis, due to having been included into a set of nullifying impediments, effectively protects the institution of marriage, and that owing to the prohibition of entering into a new marriage set for a person already married, against various abuse that might otherwise be committed by dishonest prospective spouses, simultaneously, safeguarding the properties of marriage, in particular, indissolubilitas, referred to hereinabove.


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