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Vol. 29 (2022)


Keith Ward’s theistic evolutionism: ­reconstruction and criticism

  • Mirosław Twardowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


Over the past decades, a new form of materialism has emerged, the so-called new atheism, questioning the idea of an objective goal in the Universe. Many contemporary thinkers, disagreeing with this position, explain the origin and nature of the Universe by referring to transcendent reality. One of them, Keith Ward, argues that faith in God is not only in harmony with modern science, but also claims that the reference to the Most Perfect Being, who creates the entire existing reality with the own free act, is a logically coherent and at the same time the best explanation of the origin and nature of the Universe. If the Universe was created by God, then certainly for a purpose. The initial physical states and laws governing the Universe are exactly the way they are, not different, as they appear to be exactly what is required to enable the specific internal goods of this Universe. Personal explanation, in terms of goals and values, differs from scientific explanation in terms of initial physical states and predictable rules. If we want to explain our Universe, a personal explanation should be added to the scientific explanation.


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