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Vol. 29 (2022)


Hugh’s of St. Victor’s medieval «arcula memoriae» in a view of the classical discourse around of «memory»

  • Damian Wierdak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


The structure of the article is dichotomous: in the first part the author indicates the sources and shades of the classical art of memory, while in the second part he focuses on the memory vision of Hugh of St. Victor. The primary aim of this article is to present the concept of memory of Hugh of St. Victor (1096-1141), a prominent master at the Abbey of St. Victor, near Paris. Hugh, in his work Didascalicon, when describing memory uses the term «arcula memoriae». This term is meant to show the huge potential of human memory. Hugh’s medieval concept of memory was born out of classical concepts of memory. Of these, St Augustine’s theory of memory was the most influential in crystallising Hugh’s «arcula memoriae». The author hopes that the presentation of Hugh’s «arcula memoriae» will show even more how great the power of human memory is.


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