The authors study the principle of justice in Ukraine, focusing on the problematic issue – the violation of the principle of justice in the administration of law. An example is the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of 27 October 2020 No. 13-r/2020 on the abolition of electronic declaration of officials, which led to a constitutional crisis in the country. To resolve the situation, the President of Ukraine submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine a bill on the dissolution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the annulment of the above-mentioned decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The situation in the country is of great concern, as Ukraine’s visafree regime with the European Union and Ukraine’s expected membership in the European Union are under threat. Corruption, long-term judicial reform, the constitutional crisis, violations of the principle of justice lead to the outflow of foreign investment from Ukraine, mass migration of Ukrainians to developed countries of the European Union. All these factors hinder the development of the state as independent and democratic. It is concluded that a necessary step for Ukraine’s European integration is not only the declaration, but first of all the implementation of the principle of justice by all branches of Ukrainian power.