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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)


The Synod of Bishop Leon Wałęga. Preparation and Proceedings

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-12-31


In the 27th year of Bp. Leon Wałęga’s office in the Diocese of Tarnów, he held the first diocesan synod in the history of the diocese. According to CIC/17, a synod should be convoked every ten years. Such a synod should be convoked by the bishop to the cathedral church and only he can preside over it. At the same time, the law designated the participants of the synod and its proceedings. This study presents the preparatory stage and the proceedings of the synod which took place on 21st, 22nd and 23rd August 1928. The content of this article covers the following: the decree convoking the synod and the composition of the first synod of the Diocese of Tarnów, synodal offices, rules of procedure of the synod and the scope of works of synodal committees. The synod of Bp. Wałęga, the first one in the history of the diocese, was very well prepared and set out certain directions of works for the future.


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