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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2019)


Politics as Apostolate and Mission in the Thought of John Paul II. Theological and Sociological–Legal Aspect

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-31


We are living in times of great crisis but also of increased apostolic effort referred to as ‘new evangelisation’. In the face of the challenges posed by contemporary times, the participation in the evangelising mission of the Church demands a rekindled fire of faith and various charisms, both in individuals and communities. It requires new methods and forms of action, new means of expression, and above all, unity of action. Christ called the Twelve and sent them out in pairs. The Lord appointed them to walk and to call upon others to convert so that they become His witnesses and with their lives witness to the need for faith in God everywhere. Although circumstances have changed diametrically over the past two thousand years, the need to proclaim Christ has remained the same. The duty of bearing witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and His saving presence in our lives is as real and urgent as it was for the first disciples. The primary duty in bearing witness is to confirm faith with deeds for without them faith remains empty. Christians should witness their faith by undertaking action both at individual and community level, that is by participating in various movements, organizations and associations. It is mostly thanks to them that the apostolic mission of the laity, which is often, also by Pope John Paul II, referred to as ‘the spring of the Church’, is accomplished in the modern world.


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