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Vol. 10 (2017)


Motivation of Diversified Human Resources and State of Knowledge on Demographic Trends in Organizations of V4 Countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary) – Research Results

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-31


The aim of this article is to determine the knowledge of the future of the labor market and the demographic changes that occur in the V4 countries in the next five years – among the organizations of the V 4 Visegrad Group. Additional purpose of the article is to determine the level of motivation for differentiated human resources in the opinion of the surveyed representatives of the organization. The research was based on the study of object literature and a diagnostic survey, using the questionnaire survey technique. Empirical research was conducted in the years 2016-2017 on a sample of 401 representatives ofV4 countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary). These were qualitative and quantitative studies. It turned out that the state of knowledge about the future of the tabor market and the demographic changes that occur in the V4 countries in the next five years is law. Research has shown that employee motivation varies with gender, age and health, and diverse resources can help improve business performance.


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