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Tom 14 Nr 2 (2021)


Dignitas humana and bonum commune as the Cornerstones of Human Rights in the Teaching of John Paul II

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 19.07.2022


It seems that the awareness of the idea of human dignity as the cornerstone of infrangible human rights has become today an axiom widely accepted in Western civilisation. Pope John Paul II played a major role in the popularisation of this idea. Undoubtedly, the teachings of John Paul II were a call not only for Catholics, but for all the people of good will – stressing that human dignity, which respects each and every life, may become the basis the most important values in society: democracy and peace. In the papal teaching set out in the encyclicals, the right to life is not only a determinant of human dignity, but also a factor which enables the development of the common good. For John Paul II, the category of human dignity became the cornerstone of human rights, and it seems to be an unconditional concept that can be accepted by all – both Christians and adherents to other faiths, as well as atheists – as the basis of society. The current pope, just like his predecessors, regards the concepts of dignitas humana and bonum commune as the cornerstones of the social teaching of the papacy. In the view of Pope Francis, human rights are derived from the inalienable human dignity.


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