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Tom 16 Nr 2 (2023)


A Model of the Optimal Fit of Resource Distribution to the Equilibrium of Life Attitudes among Participants of Hostilities in Ukraine

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 29.12.2023


The article aims to analyse the model of optimal adaptation of resource distribution to the equilibrium of life attitudes among participants of hostilities in Ukraine. The multidimensional concept of meaning and purpose proposed by Gary Reker was used to define the equilibrium of life attitudes. In this context, the equilibrium of life attitudes is constituted by six dimensions of the experience of the meaning of one’s own existence: purpose, coherence, life control, acceptance of death, existential void and goal seeking. The model of optimal fit of resource distribution to the life attitudes equilibrium was developed on the basis of Stevan Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources Theory (COR). The model of optimal fit of resource distribution to the equilibrium of life attitudes included the experience of resource gains in five dimensions: resourcefulness, social status resources, resilience resources, family resources and growth resources, while reducing losses in growth resources.


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