The article aims to pinpoint the relationship between age and manifestations of aggressive behaviour in elderly people. In the opening part, the authors highlight the legal aspects of aggression in senior groups. They stress the need for research to determine the relationship between acts of aggression and delinquency in this age group (which is attributable to the limited number of similar analyses and the steady growth of the population of seniors). The second part of the paper casts light on the psychological aspects of aggressive behaviour in the elderly. In this context, the authors discuss the results of research involving 948 respondents and employing a tool known as the Psychological Inventory of Aggression Syndrome (IPSA) designed by Zbigniew Gaś. The results demonstrate a growing risk of emergence of three symptoms of aggression syndrome in seniors (60+): 1) aggression control disorders, 2) self-hostility, 3) hostility towards the environment. The closing part of the article offers some conclusions regarding the criminal policy. The authors recommend preventive measures that are likely to curb the manifestations of aggression among the elderly.