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Vol. 9 (2016)


After-Birth Abortion – Critical Analysis of the Legal Aspect

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Published: 2016-12-31


Abortion in any form can not be universally accepted. Reason for her to make a human fetus and on the newborn can not be permitted. Abortion and abortion after birth is incompatible with inherent right to life of every human being. The natural law, which is expressed in the warrant bonum et malum vitandum faciendum associated all people and is also the source of the right to life. The right to life is also protected by the recognition of the positive law, enshrined in international declarations, conventions and treaties cards and constitutional law of modern states. Abortion after birth also can not justify the absence of the child’s life or his lack of moral right to life. If we understand the subject in this way the right to life and also the existence of human rights in general will be contest.


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