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Tom 14 Nr 1 (2021)


Between Interpretation and the Need for New Regulation of Human Rights in the Virtual World

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 21.07.2022


The subject of the study is to initiate a scientific discussion on the adequacy of human rights, their content and systematics. The reason for the concept of this topic is the fact that most of human activity is carried out in a virtual world built through the use of ICT devices. The aim of the study is to show the extent of increasing human activity in cyberspace. The second goal is to show the similarities and differences between the real and the virtual world. As a research hypothesis which was accepted is the claim, according to which the current wording of human rights does not fully correspond with human situation in the virtual world. This claim is even more justified in the perspective of dynamically developing artificial intelligence, which supports people in decisionmaking processes, but also displaces them from these processes. The study includes the following methods: the statistical method – thanks to which it was possible to analyze statistical data and the descriptive method – thanks to which the phenomena occurring in the virtual world were described. The result of the work is to demonstrate the need to start scientific research and discussion on human rights in virtual reality.


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