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Vol. 4 (2011)


Law, State and Religion in Japan

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-31


Considering relation between law, state and religion in the Japanese culture, the problem here is not so much the concept of law itself or the concept of state, but the concept of religion. For sure there is no problem with the definition of Christianity. In the history of Japanese though is hard to distinguish philosophy from religion. The classic example can be Shinto, which can be considered as religion and as philosophy. In the Japanese context as religion will be counted Shinto, Confucianism and Buddhism. After the historic presentation of each religion and showing their influence on social and political life, in this article was presented relation between state and law to religion in Constitution Meiji (February 11, 1890) and in the Constitution Showa (May 3, 1947).


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