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Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024)


The Participation of Residents of a Local Government Unit in the Debate on the Report on the Condition of Their LGU as a Measure of Citizen Control

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-12-23


Legal measures introduced by the legislator in 2018 to self-government organizational acts established the institution of the report on the condition of a local government unit, the related debate and the institution of a vote of confidence. These regulations were intended to improve participation of residents of local government units in the process of controlling and functioning of local and regional authorities. This goal was pursued through, inter alia, ensuring that members of a self-governing community may participate in the debate on the report on the condition of their LGU. They were thus included in the process of controlling the activity of the executive authority and became active participants in the public debate. By getting involved in the debate and presenting their position, they gain a possibility of having an impact on the opinion of councillors, which is expressed in resolutions on granting the vote of confidence to the executive authority. The aim of this study is to analyse these legal measures that establish, in particular, the right of residents of a local government unit to participate in the debate on the report on the condition of their unit. On this basis, this study will try to establish to what degree the guaranteed possibility for members of a self-governing community to take part in the debate on the report allows residents to truly execute citizen control.


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