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Tom 16 Nr 1 (2023)


The Office and Tasks of the Dean in the First Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 30.06.2023


Deans, in the organisation of the Church, are to assist the diocesan bishop in the exercise of governance in the territory that is part of the diocese. This area is called a  deanery. In the history of the Church, deans have been seen as assistants to bishops. This article discusses the attributes of the office and deans’ obligations as set out in the 1928 Synod of Bishop Leon Wałęga. The First Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów was a transmission belt that made the provisions of the 1917 Code of Canon Law a reality in the Diocese of Tarnów. The particular legislator, Bishop Leon Wałęga, encouraged the clergy to surround deans with the reverence and trust due to them, considering them as elder brothers who, on behalf of the authorities, performed demanding duties for the common good. To date, no comprehensive study of this topic has appeared. As a starting point for the reflection on the office of dean, the etymology of the word is discussed, followed by a brief look at its archetypes: chorepiscopi, visitators and archdeacons.


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