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Bd. 21 Nr. 1 (2013)

Filozofia i Historia Kościoła

„Dobro cenię we wszystkich, nawet w sobie”. Norwidowe ujęcie dobra

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34839/wpt.2013.21.1.167-186  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2020-02-25


This article is an attempt to systematize the category of good in the philosophical thought by C.K. Norwid. Our considerations form the triptych illustrating the concept. The first scene shows the metaphisics of the good in the works of the poet. Good is the content of a person’s life, which is oriented to transcendence. It is the object of desire. According the finalistic conception of the good, there are relationships between being and desire means will. The second scene draws the ethical dimension of the concept – conscience of the Word. Good as a moral values and conscience, reaching sacrum, create Norwid “conscientious man”. He is a man rooted in the Christian tradition responsible for himself and for the whole enslaved nation. He reject the will of revenge, but tends to improve himself and the world by honest work. With the concept of conscience corresponds to the concept of the Logos understood in the spirit of Christian philosophy. The final part of the triptych our study fills notion of perfection as a value of man, who becomes himself. Thinker emphasizes the duty of striving for excellence. Becoming Norwid understood as a process of gaining wisdom, which is the culmination of the discovery of the truth. The main character of the poem Quidam “seeks only the good and truth” as Norwid in all his life.


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