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Vol. 20 No. 2 (2012)

Metaphysics and anthropology

Three views of anthropological thought C.K. Norwid

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-03-05


This article touches these areas mean C. K. Norwid, in which he outlines his vision of man. We showed the anthropological thought of the poet in three scenes. First, in the classical sense, referring to the existential Thomism. The starting point was the passage from poet: O! God…the One that You ARE – God, I am too…though I am by You. We see the analogy with the existentialism of Marcel, and especially of his work – Homo–viator, which corresponds to our thinker Pilgrim. The third approach refers to the humanist Pico della Mirandola – Homo – faber. His vision of the working man presented Norwid in Promethidion. So who is the man in the philosophy of the artist? The man is a person – oriented to the transcendent, which is on the go, constantly strives for perfection, and by truth, goodness and beauty participates in the divine act of creation.


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