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Information For Authors

Persons interested in submitting a manuscript in Wrocław Theological Review are asked to read the information concerning our journal in About the journal. Before submitting the text, please read guidelines for authors, as manuscripts that do not comply with the guidelines will be rejected at the internal editorial stage as formally defective. 

Sending text for publication requires registration (or logging in for already registered users) on the journal’s website. 

Upon registering and logging in, the authors are asked to click on the “New submission” button to open the submission form (5 steps). 

The whole publication procedure in Wroclaw Theological Review is carried out online via the author’s account created on the website of the journal. This applies to all activities: from submitting the manuscript, to the review process, to the editing and typesetting of the text. The author can obtain information at any time on what stage the submitted text is at. To this end, after logging into the account, the author should click the “Submissions” button in the left side menu, and then in the “My submissions” tab, the title of the submitted text. The system will redirect the author to the page/tab corresponding to the stage at which the text is in the publication process (e.g. if the text is at the review stage, the system will redirect to the “Review” tab with the information about the review status). 

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I do not have a username and password

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The author is asked to provide all the required data when registering on the website of the journal, which will facilitate further cooperation. The registration form requires, due to current publication standards, an individual ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). 

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