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Vol. 21 No 2 (2013)

Teologia biblijna

Obraz królestwa Bożego w przypowieści o sieci (Mt 13,47-50)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2020-01-13


The parable of the fishnet is one of the many Jesus’ parables which takes the subject of Kingdom of God. Here it is compared to the fishnet which gathers all the fish without distinction of their abilities. As Jesus already initiated Kingdom of God here, on earth, opening it for all with no exception. Staying in the net reflects exactly the earthly phase of Kingdom connected closely with the Church; it is the time when one can convert. As only the net will be brought out on shore, then angels will perform a division for the good and the evil. The selection will be made on the Last Judgment Day before coming the final phase of Kingdom of God. Thus the parable of the fishnet consists of some aspects of Kingdom of God: eschatological, ethical and ecclesial, which pervade themselves and create a holistic image of Kingdom – from the one started by Jesus on earth until the moment of reaching by them the completeness at the end of times.


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