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Vol. 21 No 2 (2013)

Teologia biblijna

Śladami Jezusa ku Cezarei Filipowej (Mt 16,13; Mk 8,27) – u stóp Hermonu i u źródeł Jordanu

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2020-01-13


The historical nature of Christian revelation results in ascription of our salvation to specific coordinates in the dimensions of time and space. Besides the very popular idea of the history of salvation we can speak also about the geography of salvation as a subject closely related to and completing the history of salvation. The article deals with the issue of the deep connection between the theological message of the (synoptic) gospels and the geographic environment of the life and mission of Jesus. It focuses on the special point, placed by the evangelists Mark and Matthew on the “map of salvation” – Caesarea Philippi. The scene of dialogue between Jesus and His disciples at that place (Mk 8:2730; Mt 16:13-20) constitutes a turning-point in the way of Jesus and also in the composition of both gospels. In the article, divided into two main parts, have been presented on the background of the biblical tradition of the Old and New Testament, respectively: Mount Hermon and the River Jordan, in relation to the theological role and function of Caesarea Philippi in Mt and Mk. In that way we have been attempted to appreciate and to “read” the Fifth Gospel, as often the Holy Land has been called.


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