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Tom 23 Nr 2 (2015)

Teologia biblijna

Bezpieczne zamieszkanie Izraela – orędzie Ezechiela

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 28.11.2019


This article examines the concepts of the secure dwelling of Israel in the Book of Ezekiel in four parts:

1. Ezekiel: The prophet of the turning-point of the time. The Book of Ezekiel attempts a complete program of restoration of the Israel in the time of the Exile. Just a prophet Isaiah (Is 33:18) wrote about  (tranquil dwellings). This vision was far away for Ezekiel’s time because he lived through the greatest crisis in ancient Israel’s history the loss of independence in the promised land, exile of the leading citizens to Babylonia. In that time the new act of revival by Yahweh will consequently consist in his creating his people as an obedient and law –abiding people.

2. The root xjb as ,,a self-confidence”. The root xjb has the meaning: to feel secure, be unconcerned or to feel a false security, like in Ez 16:15: But you became infatuated (yxiäj.b.Tiw:) with your own beauty and used your fame to play the whore, lavishing your debauchery on all comers. Ezekiel is uncompromising in his condemnation of Israel’s infidelity to Yahweh.

3. The root xjb as ,,a security” offered by Yahweh. Yahweh had promised that after the judgment of Jerusalem he would remember his covenant: I shall make a covenant of peace with them; I shall rid the country of wild animals. They will be able to live secure ( ) ָל ֶב ַטח in the desert and go to sleep in the woods (Ez 34:25). In this words Ezekiel shows the way of the secure live for Israel. 4. A security guaranteed by Yahweh. Israel will be separated off as a holy people, and nothing profane would defile the tribes in the new land. Yahweh is the unrivaled Lord of the Israel’s history. The oracle against Gog foresees the people of the Lord as prosperous and secure in his land: So, son of man, prophesy. Say to Gog, “The Lord Yahweh says this: Is it not true that you will set out at a time when my people Israel is living secure (ִִי ְשָׂרֵ֛אל ָלֶ֖ב ַטח)? (Ez 38:14). The glory of Yahweh in the temple of a new city (Ez 43:1-9) guaranteed a security live of Israel: The name of the city in future must be: Yahweh-is-there (Ez 48:35).


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