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V. 17 N. 2 (2009)

Teologia systematyczna

Narodziny Boga w duszy człowieka według Mistrza Eckarta

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Pubblicato: 2020-04-20


This article presents the mystical assumptions of Master John Eckhart, a medieval Dominican friar. Eckhart, thanks to the originality of his conceptions, formed the basis for a new branch of mysticism, called intellectual-speculative mysticism, based on strictly scientific, philosophical-theological thinking. His mysticism is based first and foremost on the Holy Bible, with philosophy as a tool used to express the inner experience. Among the antecedents of his ideas, Plotinus, St. Augustine, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and St. Albert the Great should be mentioned. Eckhart presented his thoughts about this in Sermons, which are analyzed in this article. The core idea of Sermons is the conception of unio mystica – a vision of what is the reality of the birth of God in the depths of the human soul. What Eckhart tries to express is the identity of the non-identical (God and the human soul created by Him) in a mystical act. Eckhartian mysticism is a kind of challenge and a chance for modern man. A challenge to our unending concern about earthly matters, and to our frenzied lives.. A chance, because present day man, living in the world, in Eckhart Bains a Master, who can teach him how to find contemplatio in actio. Master Eckhart can teach modern man the mysticism of everyday life.

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