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Vol. 16 No. 18 (2) (2021)


Crimes Against the Protection of Information. Selected Legal and Material Issues and Criminological

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-12-30


In the 21st century, the security of each country is related to ensuring that access to certain information essential for its functioning is limited. Therefore, information protection systems are created. In the modern world, information accompanies man at every stage of his activity, be it of a professional or private nature. Information is processed and recorded in various forms, ranging from oral, written in the traditional dimension, to the form using electronic means. Therefore, the overriding objectives of the state include ensuring adequate protection of information, i.e. information security. In the Polish legal system, the concept of classified information, pursuant to Article 1(1) of the Act of 5 August 2010 on the protection of classified information applies to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which would cause or could cause damage to the Republic of Poland or would be unfavorable from the point of view of its interests, also during their development and regardless of the form and manner of their expression. On the other hand, the authorities and public officials as well as other indicated entities are liable under the provisions of Chapter XXXIII of the Penal Code, entitled “Offenses against the protection of information” (Article 265-269c).


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