Vol. 17 No. 19 (1) (2022)
Prohibition of Discrimination and the Principle of Equal Treatment in Temporary Employment – Chosen Legal Aspects
Departament of Labour and Social Insurance Law, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Temporary work is an extremely important phenomenon. As an atypical employment, this solution makes it possible for single parents to work, and for the state authorities to reduce unemployment. However, it should be remembered that due to the presence of three entities in this employment relationship, there are many doubts and inaccuracies. With the protection of temporary workers in mind, it is necessary to create legal constructions that protect workers primarily against discrimination, violation of equality, and alienation in the workplace in relation to other employees. Violation of these principles has been a common phenomenon for years; hence these principles are standardized in the most important legal acts on national and international level.
The notion of employer in the case of temporary work is constantly overlapping with the notion of user employer, and temporary work agency. Due to that, is not easy to assess which provisions applies to a particular situation. This article aims to discuss the indicated terms, as well as to present them using the applicable regulations.
The legislator had a difficult task – to create appropriate provisions that not only make work possible, but at the same time adequately protect temporary employees from inequality. The purpose of this article is to present advantages and disadvantages of the current legal constructions based on the analysis of the legislation, and the doctrine and line of jurisprudence, as well as to propose the necessary solutions.
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