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Vol. 17 No. 19 (1) (2022)


Discretionary Nature of the Tax Authority’s Decision in the Matter of Tax Write-offs

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Published: 2022-06-14


The fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes is secured by the coercive measures available to the state (local government), both those of financial, administrative and even criminal nature. Their application (or threat of application) is to cause compliance with the requirements of paying public levies, including taxes. At the same time, however, the actual possibility of realization of the obligation to pay public levies depends on the financial (economic) situation of the taxpayer. In many situations the taxpayer – without a threat to his existence or a significant deterioration of his financial situation or that of his relatives – will not be able to pay the tax. Also, the principle of universality of taxation does not have an absolute character and priority over other constitutional principles, including the principle of a democratic state of law or the principle of equality. Making the tax payable by coercive means may sometimes come into conflict with other values protected by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and laws. The remission of tax arrears is an instrument used to resolve such conflicts between values and to support those taxpayers who for various reasons (usually financial) are unable to pay the tax. It is worth paying special attention to Article 217 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, which in its content directly points to the institution of remission. This determines the constitutional value of the institution of remission. It may be applied only to tax arrears, i.e. after the deadline for payment of tax has passed, which results from the assumption that as long as the deadline for payment has not passed, any interference and releasing the taxpayer from his constitutional obligations would be premature, since by the time the deadline passes, changes may have occurred in the taxpayer’s situation which will enable him to pay the obligation. The wording “may” used in Article 67a, para. 1, point 3 of the Tax Code indicates that the authority adjudicating the case for remission of tax arrears exercises administrative discretion when considering the case and making a ruling. The freedom to make decisions under means that even if statutory prerequisites are met, this does not oblige the tax authority to apply remission in every case.


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