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Vol. 17 No. 19 (2) (2022)


The Origins of Hegemony – the Implication of the Term Based on Machiavelli’s Work and the Analysis of the Hegemony of Selected States Over the Centuries

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-12-30


The analysis of Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince allowed the Authors to draw conclusions regarding the hegemony and its main factors such as lands, the army and the ruler which, under the influence of time and changing conditions on the international arena, turned into power and military, economic, technological as well as information development, and arrangements and alliances in the international arena. The assessment of the reign of Ancient Rome, Sparta, the Ottoman Empire, Spain, France and Great Britain, in the times when these countries had strong international positions, allows to support the analyzed hegemonic factors with examples. Concluding, the Authors also show how the intensity of the discussed geopolitical factors affects the duration of hegemony of these countries. Learning from the experience of previous hegemons makes it possible to exclude mistakes that lead to the weakening of the country’s position. Exercising power over the whole world requires the hegemon to be constantly prudent and vigilant to crisis situations inside and outside the country in order to ensure a sense of security for citizens.


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