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Vol. 15 No. 17 (1) (2020)


Establishment of the State Bank in the Russian Empire and Its Importance for the Development of the Banking System in Ukraine until 1918

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Published: 2020-06-30


In the article is discussed the genesis of the Institute of the State Bank of Ukraine in the period since the second half of the nineteenth century to April 29, 1918. By analyzing two historical periods a number of conclusions was made. Being part of the Russian Empire, Ukraine had an identical banking and financial system. Its work was clearly regulated by the laws of the empire. It was coordinated and planned. However, with the start of the revolution in 1917, financial unity was shattered and destroyed. The origin of the Ukrainian National Republic’s State Bank was carried out on the basis of substantial developments of the Russian State Bank. With the creation of the Ukrainian Central Council, in Ukraine, the issue of their own financial support wasn’t resolved for more than 9 months. The revolutionary government didn’t take significant legislative and real administrative and economic steps to stabilize the financial situation. The statute of the State Bank was not developed. There were no relations established with branches in other regions of the country. Neither the main nor the reserve capital was created. Thus, having become a financial bankrupt, the revolutionary power in Ukraine showed that it wasn’t able to govern the country.  


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